
Microsoft Edge Stable 114.0.1823.51 free instals
Microsoft Edge Stable 114.0.1823.51 free instals

Microsoft Edge Stable 114.0.1823.51 free instals

This backport was done to our M109 Windows down-level extended support. For more information, see the Security Update Guide. Microsoft has a fix for CVE-2023-3079 to Microsoft Edge Stable Channel (Version 1.115), which has been reported by the Chromium team as having an exploit in the wild.

Microsoft Edge Stable 114.0.1823.51 free instals

This update contains the following Microsoft Edge-specific updates: Microsoft has released the latest Microsoft Edge Stable and Extended Stable Channel (Version 1.51) which incorporates the latest Security Updates of the Chromium project. Microsoft has released the latest Microsoft Edge Stable Channel (Version 1.67) which incorporates the latest Security Updates of the Chromium project.

Microsoft Edge Stable 114.0.1823.51 free instals

These release notes provide information about security fixes that are included in updates to Microsoft Edge Stable channel.

Microsoft Edge Stable 114.0.1823.51 free instals